RxJS best practices in Angular

Posted on September 14, 2023

Angular, one of the leading front-end frameworks, brings the mighty RxJS library to the forefront for handling asynchronous operations. While RxJS empowers developers to master intricate data flows seamlessly, it also introduces a set of challenges when not wielded with care. Memory leaks, the labyrinth of nested subscribes, and improper use of observables can all cast a shadow on your Angular app

RxJS best practices in Angular

Real-Time Applications with Azure SignalR, Angular and .Net Core

Posted on July 10, 2023

We are creating a real-time chat application with a professional and user-friendly interface. The application allows users to enter their names, start a chat session, and exchange messages in real-time. We are using Angular, SignalR, and .NET Core to develop a real-time chat application.

Real-Time Applications with Azure SignalR, Angular and .Net Core

Working with Azure Cosmos DB in your Azure Functions

Posted on June 10, 2023

Azure Cosmos DB is a powerful and scalable database service provided by Microsoft Azure. It is designed to handle globally distributed data to handle large-scale, high-performance applications that require low latency. In this article, we see how to store documents in the cosmos and track change feed demos.

Working with Azure Cosmos DB in your Azure Functions

Angular v16 Signals - The New Reactivity Model

Posted on May 28, 2023

The angular team introduces Signals in '@angular/core' for reactive data sharing in angular version 16. Components automatically update when a signal value changes. Signals address scalability issues with 'Zone.js' for better change detection. We will discuss this in detail and look for demos and real use-case scenarios.

Angular v16 Signals - The New Reactivity Model

New journey of Angular v16

Posted on May 21, 2023

Angular version 16 has major changes that will greatly impact Angular's future, popularity, and the lives of Angular developers! There's no denying that every new version of Angular introduces many exciting features, and Angular 16 will be no different. Angular is undergoing a sort of revival, and version 16 marks just the initial stage of this resurgence.

New journey of Angular v16

Durable Functions in Azure

Posted on May 13, 2023

Durable Functions provide a powerful and flexible way to build complex, long-running workflows in Azure Functions. With easy state management, event-driven architecture support, built-in retry, and error handling, scalability and performance, and integration with Azure services, they are a great choice for many types of applications.

Durable Functions in Azure

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